December 17, 2022 In this masterpiece of a novel set in the Hollywood of the mid nineteen-fifties, the travails of black-listed screenwriters are deftly juxtaposed
Brooks Kolb is a Seattle writer, artist, and a landscape architect.
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December 17, 2022 In this masterpiece of a novel set in the Hollywood of the mid nineteen-fifties, the travails of black-listed screenwriters are deftly juxtaposed
January 15, 2023 I used to be ambitious. As a child encouraged to draw and paint by my parents and grandparents, I assumed that I
January 7, 2023 Fifteen years after the “Summer of Love,” I lived briefly in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district. The hippie era was decidedly over, but
January 5, 2023 TikTok. Spotify. YouTube. Pandora. Playlists. Sirius XM. Amazon Alexa. How is a newly-minted senior citizen supposed to know where to find today’s
January 5, 2023 We like to speak of senior citizens as a class, but in fact they come in two types: young seniors and old
January 2, 2023 Years ago, I read a wonderful book called “How the French Invented Love.” The author, Marilyn Yallom, traces nine hundred years of
January 2, 2023 In the November 21, 2022 issue of The New Yorker, my eyes were drawn to an article called “Deadwood – An American’s
January 2, 2023 One cannot be sexually attracted to another person without objectifying them, at least a little. As in: ‘Get a load of those
December 20, 2022 Bristling with tail fins, chrome, two-tone paint, and white sidewall tires, the American cars of the 1950s were works of art in
Check your privilege at the door. If you don’t, you will not succeed at helping people. If you’ve traveled to a village in Africa or